Nov 19, 2012

You Are Enough!

Many times we are too afraid to step out, let the world hear our voice, share what we have to offer all because of this little nonsense voice inside our heads that somehow talks us into believing that we are not good enough, and perhaps that we may never be enough. Stop right here, because you know what, as you are enough, you are in fact abundant. Think about it, you are a walking, talking, and breathing in paradise, you just have to awaken yourself to it, and be willing to realize it. If you have dreams, passions, goals or aspirations...follow through. It doesn't matter if you think its not "original" or  its not good enough, because it is. We all have our own contribution and services to give to the world, its coming from you, that in itself is unique.

Here is an example:
Your favorite singer never followed their dream/passion and never wrote that one song you love just because there are already too many extraordinary singers out there, like The Beatles. But think about it in this way, had they not been willingly to follow their dream/passion...they would have never gotten to be your favorite singer. In that same way, you have something to offer to the world that will resonate with someone else...think of it as how can I be of service to others?

Anything you have a burning desire to do, do it...and don't go down the what if highway. Its not about comparison or competition that will get you far, but its about looking at it from a place of service and realizing that you have a gift to offer. You are you, and that in itself is a huge deal!

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