Have you ever wanted to change your major in college? Or perhaps the correct way to word this question would be, College Students have you ever considered switching your major? Possibly to something you are much more eager to gain knowledge about or to a subject that has always caught your attention. Majority of us enter college with a decided major that may range from Marketing, Biology, Psychology, Political Science, etc. However, a very few of us actually stick through with the intended major during the four years. Everyone has different reasons for choosing the major they do. It could be possibly due to parental pressure, "it's the major that will help me make the most amount of money", or simply because of your love for the field of study. However, many of us fall into the trap of "I am studying what I am because there are expectations I need to achieve, and I need to make it rich otherwise I'm a failure". Let me tell you one thing you're not a failure, not till you accept that you are and no one can tell you otherwise. College is about self growth, finding your self, your likes and dislikes, your passions, and really learning how you fit into society. It's no shame to change your major in college. You'll be much better off studying what you're passionate about, and be able to look back with no regrets! This is where the true essence of your college education lies.
Remember you only live once so follow your passions, take your college major by storm, succeed, and just do life!
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