Sep 6, 2011

It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not

Have you ever wanted to try out for a sports team, intramural team, or just play with the group of people near your area who meet up to play Basketball, Ultimate Frisbee, etc? I know you have (unless you absolutely loathe sports and its not your thing). What has stopped you? Humility? Not being good enough? I don't look good playing sports? Not winning? For the majority of us its the same underlying fact: FEAR (for others its maybe the I don't have time excuse go read this post). Let me tell you one thing fear is not your friend, but is neither your enemy. It's what I like to term your "protector" its only trying to protect you because it doesn't want to see you get hurt. When you can let go of fear, and politely say, "Hey look fear I know you're only looking out for me, but you know what? Its going to be fine". Now, that is simple to say, and very difficult to do. Keep at it for a while analyzing how your emotions change when fear pops up into your mind. You'll get to a realization one day, that you can master the art of not fearing by simply being confident in who you are and who you are meant to be.

Remember you only live once so stop waiting around with an umbrella for it to rain, challenge your fears, and just do life!

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1 comment:

  1. I love this.. and yes I did pack up and one day move to a new place :)


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