Aug 16, 2011

I should have..I could have..I wanted to..?

Have you ever wanted to try something new? You know like take a pottery class or take horseback riding lessons because you've always thought it would be super interesting. What's held you back? A busy schedule, family, work, travel, no money, or the lack of motivation? Or statements like such, "Life is just too hectic there is no me time" and "I'm too poor right now". Statements like these are overrated. If you want to do something you have to take the initiative to make time in your life; otherwise, you'll go through your whole life saying, "Man, I should have...I could have...I wanted to..."

One thing is for sure life isn't going to slow down, but you definitely can slow down and make room for those things you've always want to try and do.

Remember you only live once so find that thing you've wanted to do/try, reserve the date in your planner, and just do life!

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