Aug 16, 2011

The truth about friendship

Have you ever wanted to reconnect with an old friend? You know the friend you met during your High School or College years that you became inseparable from. This friend was fun to be around, he/she understood you, and you both simply had a good time together. Your favorite way to bond would be to watch "The Hills" on MTV every Monday night of the week and you both shared a passion for a common interest. However, in the midst of things life changed due to a certain circumstance, fight, a misunderstanding, and your friendship was no more. You could just sit there be like whatever I'll just make a new friend or try to make amends to solve and figure out what went wrong to gain your friend back. Now, you wouldn't want to go your whole life knowing that you didn't do anything about it, so what have you got to lose if you make an attempt? Nothing, but possibly a friendship to gain.

Remember you only live once so put the past behind, forgive & forget, and just do life!

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