Dec 12, 2012

Place of Peace

I’ve never really liked to swim or get in the water, but I love the beach and everything about its ambiance down to the mesmerizing beauty it exudes as if it’s purposely putting me into a deep trance, through which an overwhelming feeling of connection erupts within me to the source: love. I yearn for moments like this, these moments cradle my mind and soul into a strong, unbreakable union. Here the ego is not welcome, and it knows better to not even try to interfere, or it’ll feel the warmth and love from the dancing wind as it caresses the palm trees, and the ocean waves as they glide through the water to kiss the sand. This is a place of peace, a place where my mind rides on cruise control and will not stop for any friend of fear: anxiety, self loathing, anger, frustration, etc. (fear has many more friends).   
I take myself to this beautiful paradise everyday (or at least try to) when the stresses of my reality rive up their training schemes to make my mind run faster and even longer to a destination it doesn't even know. 
The calmness and serenity I feel as I imagine the soft cushion of the cool sand touch my naked feet while I walk along the perfectly uneven shoreline and the glowing light of the sun hits my face, are enough to stop everything into stillness and focus, to awaken my spirit. 

*Thank you Lizzie for your kind words, you are the inspiration behind today's post :)
Go check her out, here!

Dec 3, 2012

Monday: Ramblings

Standing at the edge of the pier as the strong winds ran through my hair and the lingering smell of algae went up through my nose into my consciousness; I suddenly felt re-awakend.

As the winds picked up and sped through the air as if they were running a marathon, a slow sensation came over me: of how good it feels to be alive, to be healthy and to be able to experience the most simple pleasures of life. In this moment a surge of gratitude came over me and a deep commitment to acknowledge it, to take it all in.

I believe its moments like these that awaken our spirit, our soul to guide us to self-relization. We all experience it, and its arousal is caused by different things and situations, but the beautiful thing about it is that, as human beings we all relate to this feeling, this one jolt of awareness.

Nov 20, 2012

You are what you think about all day

You are what you think about all day.

Let's apply to this to a job situation. You are at your job because it provides you with certainty, but not because you love it. The job gives you certainty through a paycheck, which in then gives you a roof over your head, food in your belly and the ability to buy synthetic happiness that provides you with temporary happiness.

Now you can really change the vibrations and frequencies you are portraying about your job...these may be, "My job sucks, I hate this job, I don't like my co-workers, I don't like the hours, etc". You can sit there and continue to think about this all day along and make yourself even more miserable or you can begin to change your thought patterns. Instead, focus on how you want to feel on the job, and this feeling will guide to your right career path.

Every morning wake up with gratitude that you have a job, a roof over your head and money to put food in your belly. Ask your higher self, your intuition, to come forth and guide you through your day. This will put your thought frequencies at a higher vibration when you allow your higher self to intervene. If you feel yourself getting frustrated/annoyed/pissed bring all your energy back into thinking about something that you absolutely love (it can be a person, place, thing, etc), this feeling of love will let you tap back into your higher self.

As you continue your day and head off to work...start to feel the things you want to feel on the job.
For example:

I want to feel inspired on the job. I want to wake up each morning excited to go to work, knowing that I am making a difference in people's lives that allows me to further my spiritual growth.

Focus on the feeling of love, contentment and joy....and really believe in the things you are feeling.
Trust me, you'll see a shift in your work day and even time will fly by.

Nov 19, 2012

You Are Enough!

Many times we are too afraid to step out, let the world hear our voice, share what we have to offer all because of this little nonsense voice inside our heads that somehow talks us into believing that we are not good enough, and perhaps that we may never be enough. Stop right here, because you know what, as you are enough, you are in fact abundant. Think about it, you are a walking, talking, and breathing in paradise, you just have to awaken yourself to it, and be willing to realize it. If you have dreams, passions, goals or aspirations...follow through. It doesn't matter if you think its not "original" or  its not good enough, because it is. We all have our own contribution and services to give to the world, its coming from you, that in itself is unique.

Here is an example:
Your favorite singer never followed their dream/passion and never wrote that one song you love just because there are already too many extraordinary singers out there, like The Beatles. But think about it in this way, had they not been willingly to follow their dream/passion...they would have never gotten to be your favorite singer. In that same way, you have something to offer to the world that will resonate with someone else...think of it as how can I be of service to others?

Anything you have a burning desire to do, do it...and don't go down the what if highway. Its not about comparison or competition that will get you far, but its about looking at it from a place of service and realizing that you have a gift to offer. You are you, and that in itself is a huge deal!

Nov 18, 2012

The Chaos in my Mind

I've been utterly lost of late, as if though my mind is on cruise control with an unknown destination. I'm alive, but I'm not feeling if I'm in deep sleep paralysis. Some days I get these tiny bursts of energy that re-awaken my soul, but they only last for a mere few moments, and then I go back into a state of numbness. It feels as though inside my brain there is a giant concrete wall that build itself to create a division. To one side lie my thoughts, feelings, emotions, inspiration and creativity, and to other side a dead, lifeless routine that is my current reality. When I begin to ponder about it and try to understand it, my brain doesn't want to cooperate and I get an overwhelming feeling of stuckness...stuck in my own misery, guided by my Ego who is using one trick after another to fog up my path a little bit more everyday. A feeling of hopelessness, unworthiness and powerlessness constantly looms over my head as if it is trying to hold my head steady so I can pay 100% attention to it. The minute I allow myself to shake them off, I feel as though, thoughts, good ones are flowing through my head again. I want these good ones to stay, ingrain themselves in my mind, become the blanket that lays over my Ego and puts it to sleep....forever.

Each day is a constant battle to break down this giant concrete wall, in order to lift and rise from my own move forward, to make my reality something better...something guided by passion, love, dedication, and an awareness of how can I help to be of service to ultimately live out my purpose, the reason why I am.

Although I'm not yet sure of my purpose, but something from within tells me to write, write everything that my mind dictates to my there somewhere lies my purpose...that is slowly awakening from its somber sleep to a state of realization and action. To perform the daily action of what truly makes me feel alive, as each cell in my body works harmoniously together to become this big ball of energy guided by spirit, and spirit only.

Oct 17, 2012

Be who you are, if you aren't you, then you're no one

Loving yourself is an inside job, literally...there is no other way around it. Years of self hate, criticism, I'm not good enough, I'm less than, and I'm worthless are symptoms of the self hate "disease". The "disease" makes us feel like a victim, and somehow convinces us that we are wrong to think any other way...after all aren't we all supposed to be extremely hard on ourselves and never cut ourselves any slack? If this sounds like you then you've contracted the "disease".

Loving means feeling, showing, or indicating love and affection. Just like how you feel, show, indicate love for your cat, dog, spouse, mom, need to do the same for yourself. Its very easy to say, "yeah of course I love myself", but do you really? When was the last time you complimented yourself? When was the last time you said, "I love my body"? When was the last time you actually told yourself, "I love you"? Little daily practices like such will not only help to build up your self-esteem, but also your self-love. Now it won't be an overnight process, but remember its more important to have patience and do the work necessary.

I am a "victim" of this disease too and I know what its like to hate yourself. Years and years of convincing myself that I am not better than or I am less than this person, not having the confidence to look at someone in the eye when I spoke, or crying myself to sleep at night because of how miserable I felt. The bottom line to all my symptoms was I had convinced myself that I was meant to be this way and it constantly consumed my mind. I decided to dig deeper inside myself to focus on how I feel when I hate myself, when I worry and when I disrespect myself. How do I feel? I don't feel good. Then I thought about how I feel when I when I'm smiling, inspired and content? I feel good. So wouldn't I want to feel good at all times? Yes! Just force a smile and it will instantly make you feel better.

My go to way of easing the pain of self hate is counting to ten and as I breathe out saying, "I release this negativity". This provides more clarity and calm.

Everyone has the potential to love yourself and you are who you are...its about learning to embrace that, and truly believing it. Believing in yourself is loving yourself, and when you've accepted that you are unstoppable. Start your day with saying thank you & I love you to yourself. It shows the appreciation and respect you have. Surround yourself with images, quotes, people that bring you joy, support and inspire you, they will be your guide on the path of self love to ultimately one day loving yourself.

Oct 4, 2012


I know I am not the only one has heard the word manifestation. We all probably first heard the term from the book, The Secret. Now I must admit, I thought it was a bunch of baloney; however, I have decided to give this word some insight.

What does Manifesting mean?

"Acquiring the experience of what it is you want to feel, and living in that experience, and then allowing that experience to come into form" - Gabrielle Bernstein

You are co-creating with the Universe, there are no such things as coincidences. Miracles occur naturally, and when they don't something has gone wrong.

"Oh, I was thinking about that and it showed up"....thats how life is supposed to be. We get in the way, our limiting beliefs, our negative belief systems, fears, anxiety, our anger towards the past, our future tripping, All of this energy gets in the way of miracles to occur naturally. Therefore, we never realize all the abundance and good that is around....hence manifestation sounds like bulls***t.

How to Manifest? 

1. Clarity, get clear of what is that you want.
2. Get clear about the limiting beliefs, negative beliefs that are blocking you...preventing manifestation from happening. Clean up your crap....believe in yourself.

Believe it, and be faithful to your belief. Do work that is needed to lease all those limiting beliefs (this will probably take some time...have patience).

Look at how you are blocking yourself (we are speaking mentally here), and trust what the Universe/God will give you to tackle those limiting beliefs...they've got your back.

3. Healing....working on releasing the disbelief will be a daily process. The more we let go of the belief, the more we feel what it feels to be in the present of the manifestation.

"You cannot let your outside world dictate your internal condition, the outside world will reflect your internal condition"      
    - Gabrielle Bernstein 

If you are letting the outside world tell you you're not good enough then its a manifestation mishap...your allowing yourself to co-create that. The goal here to focus on the internal (on you).

4. Patience...
"Those who are certain of the outcome can afford to wait, and wait without anxiety"
     - A Course in Miracles 

Have that presence of being certain then we can allow, be in the know, be patient.

If you want to learn more about this, then watch this video {here}.

Start with loving yourself...believing in yourself...cutting the crap out of your life...then just do life.

Oct 2, 2012

The rest is just sand

When things in your lives seem almost too much to handle, when 24
hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the 2
cups of coffee.
A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in
front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very
large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf ball
s. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.
The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the
jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas
between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar
was full. They agreed it was.
The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar.
Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if
the jar was full. The students responded with an unanimous “yes.”
The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table
and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the
empty space between the sand. The students laughed.
“Now,” said the professor as the laughter subsided, “I want you to
recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the
important things–your family, your children, your health, your
friends and your favorite passions–and if everything else was lost
and only they remained, your life would still be full.
The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house
and your car.
The sand is everything else–the small stuff. “If you put the sand
into the jar first,” he continued, “there is no room for the pebbles
or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time
and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things
that are important to you.
“Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play
with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your
spouse out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to
clean the house and fix the disposal. Take care of the golf balls
first–the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is
just sand.”
One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee
represented. The professor smiled. “I’m glad you asked.
It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem,
there’s always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend.”

Aug 27, 2012

The Journey

I was on Twitter earlier today, and I read this tweet by Rev Run "Sometimes, when you're constantly wishing for something, you overlook everything you already have". I overlooked it the first, but when I went back to re-read it made so much sense. I'm guilty of doing this, overlooking all things I have in hopes of something better to come along. This is the visual image I associate with this quote. A person is in the midst of an utterly beautiful place walking as fast as they can to their destination, but they are so caught up by arriving than by taking the time to appreciate and admire all that is before them. Its about the journey not the destination.

Many things in life are associated with destinations we should arrive at: a college degree, the dream job, the perfect house, spouse, and kids, a six figure salary, etc. Once you've reached the destination, what do you remember? The journey...what it took for you to arrive. It is better to travel well than to arrive. If looked in this perspective you will look at failures as learning lessons, experiences gained even if you didn't succeed it'll still be worthwhile.

Jan 13, 2012

Fab Friday Tip # 3

Healthy: Be conscious about your food intake. If you truly want to understand where the majority of your foods comes from, and how it is processed I suggest you watch this movie: FOOD INC. It will really give you a deeper understanding about the products that you are consuming daily. To be able to live a lifetime, you must begin with the proper treatment of your body. You only have one, so take care of it.

Happy: Enjoy a cup of hot coffee (or any hot drink of your choice) on a cold, rainy, gloomy or snowy day. Its something about drinking a hot beverage on cold muggy day bringing the instant sensation  of "Ahhhh" and a state of relaxation to the mind and body.

Positivity: Write a letter to yourself detailing all the things that make you one of kind. Include things in it that you like about yourself, and why you love yourself. Self growth begins with self love. Save this letter for those tough days when you're feeling down. Reading positive words written out about yourself will help you to visualize of the person you really are, and invoke a sense of appreciation within. The key here to really focus on positive thinking. Do you know you are one of a kind. Limited Edition, of course!

Jan 11, 2012

Recipe: Stuffed Peppers

Here is a simple, quick, and easy recipe for stuffed green peppers. I originally found the idea on Pinterest, but I put my own twist to it. This is a vegetarian recipe.

Here is what you'll need for two stuffed green peppers.

2 Green Peppers (with 4 points on the bottom so they'll stand up easier)
1 cup Rice (Use brown or white)
1 cup Onion
Handful of Cilantro (optional)
4 Green Onions chopped
1 cup Green Peppers
1 garlic clove (or garlic powder)
Parmesan cheese

*You can season this anyway you'd like. I added Fiesta Lime seasoning, Crushed Red Peppers, Garlic Powder, and a Pinch of Cayenne Pepper

Cut, open, and clean out the green peppers, and preheat your oven to 375*F/190*C.

First cook the rice either on the stove top or rice cooker. Next in a medium hot pan add 2 teaspoon of olive oil. To this add the green peppers, onions, and garlic. Cook for about 3 minutes. Next add your green onions and cilantro. Season the mixture now with any kind of seasoning you prefer. Add salt and pepper. Now add in the cooked rice, and stir into the mixture. The last step is to add the Parmesan cheese. Mix it in and let the mixture cook for about 2 minutes. 

Now stuff your mixture into the green peppers, and place it in the oven for 30 minutes. Add cheese of your choice: Mozzarella, Colby Jack, or Pepper Jack. Sprinkle a generous amount on top. Put it back in the oven for an additional 10 minutes. 

Pull out of the oven. Serve Warm. Enjoy! 

Jan 6, 2012

Aspire to Inspire #1

Inspiration of the week roundup. This is something new I have decided to add to the blog, at the end of each week (Saturday) I will post "stuff" I found to be inspirational that would be worth sharing. This is just a way to keep inspiring myself, and you!

I've been visiting a website called wimp somewhat daily for the past year. When I have nothing to do, and when I can remember I will visit the website to watch videos for about 30 minutes straight (I'm not exagerating, you will get hooked). This past week I watched this video. My reaction? I was very thoroughly surprised!
P.S. I bet your reaction will be jaw dropping :)

           Quote                                            Picture                                                      Health

                                                                          For Smiles                      

Fab Friday Tip #1

Healthy: If your a soda drinker, then cut down on your soda intake. That means substitute at least a drink with another healthier option such as water, orange juice, milk, or tea. The point here to is to cut down your "empty calorie" intake that consist of water (carbonated), a sweetener, and a flavoring agent. Here is a fun fact, the consumption of sugar-sweetened soft drinks usually leads to weight gain, type 2 diabetes, cavities, and low nutrient levels. So if you're trying to get healthier this year, ditch the soda and opt for a better option.

Happy: Want to instantly boost your mood, and feel happier? Listen to you favorite song! If you don't have a favorite song then listen to the kind of music you like. By doing this you'll feel re-energized and motivated. Here is a song suggestion, Climb by Miley Cyrus. Really listen to the lyrics of this song, it will help you feel focused.

Positivity: Here is a simple way to make love go around, compliment someone. A simple compliment can do wonders for a person's self esteem. Not only will you make their day a little brighter, but you'll also feel satisfied for making someone else feel a little more special than usual.

Jan 4, 2012

A new year a new YOU

I've been thinking for quite some time now what I want my New Year Resolutions to be, and not much is coming to my mind. However, there is this one thing, to make conscious decisions about everything I do. The reason for this is because sometimes when we look back, we may ponder how we got from point A to point B and for the most part we don't even remember the process. I don't want to be lost in translation, confused, or not fully aware of the events that happen in my day to day living. I figured the process of doing this would be fairly simple. It all begins with thought process, and taking control of what I think. Now, I won't be sitting and monitoring every thought that comes through my mind, but I can choose which ones to pay attention to and which ones to disregard. I think this is what they call conscious thinking. By doing this I will be able to make conscious decisions. Foremost would be food, my daily intake. Second, my reaction to every action. Thirdly, what I can offer to a person/situation. I have simplified where I would like to see the changes into categories that essentially make up my life. By thinking consciously, taking initiative, and following through I will ultimately be able to live a more satisfied life. What are some of your New Year Resolutions?