Sep 29, 2011

The only power you have is the power of your decisions

Have you ever wanted to take an unplanned road trip? It could be for a night or a week to a location that is unknown. This little idea could be compared to the path of life. Nobody knows where life will take you and where you will end up. Be adventurous, be spontaneous, be alive! Take this opportunity as a chance for you to experience a journey without a sense of direction and planning. Exhilarate your mind, and gain a new perspective.

Photo Credit

Remember you only live once so fill up your gas tank, grab your friends (and your GPS), be ready for an adventure, hit the open road, and just do life!

Sep 28, 2011

One person can change everything

Have you ever sat at work, in class, or just somewhere and in walks a girl, a girl (or a boy) who instantly takes your breath away? Everyone has, but how many of you have just sat back quietly and never said anything to them? Why did you do this? Fear, fear of rejection, fear of embarrassment? You have to get past all these fears and realize, that you can’t pass up someone so ‘special’. Its time to stand up and make a move to say hello. People that take your breath away are people who are meant to be in your life. Whether be it as a life long love, or just a friend. You will never know what you will gain and learn from this moment until you take action and say something.

Remember you only live once so stop being the shadow and start being the sun. Get up, Speak up, and just do life!

Sep 23, 2011

In honor of the first day of Fall

This Fall '11

1. Go pumpkin picking & carve a pumpkin 

2. Order your favorite seasonal drinks at Starbucks

3. Take a road trip to see fall foliage 

4. Smell campfire 

5. Eat Candy Corn 

6. Dress up as your favorite Superhero/Disney Princess for Halloween

7. Go on a haunted hay ride 

8. Walk through leaves 

9. Eat Smores by the Campfire

10. Go star gazing

What things will you be doing this Fall?

Sep 22, 2011

Life Lesson #13

Life gives you some down hard things to deal with. The longer you let them kill you, the faster you will die. ~ Myself
We've all been there, the times we feel like we've hit rock bottom and it doesn't get any lower than this. In moments like this all that comes to mind is anger, frustration, hurt, pain, tears, and a lot of questions. Thoughts such as, "Why is this happening to me"? "What did I do to deserve this"? You know what the brutal truth is that you probably did something to attract this into your life and I mean not the literal sense of actually doing something, but on the pure basis of your thoughts. Believe me or not, but your thoughts define your life, the situations, the circumstances, the challenges you are facing today and everyday. And when you keep blaming "Life" for your problems, you'll never be able to find any solutions. The longer you let 'Life' control you, the longer it will take you to be happy. Don't let the things, people, words, actions, situations, or world make you feel like your a piece a shit. You're not that, you are one of a kind who is full of love. The first and the only step to deal with this to forgive yourself, and start loving yourself because without love you can't forgive and without forgiveness you can't love. Be YOU! 

Sep 21, 2011

Do the Anonymous

Have you ever wanted to do something ANONYMOUSLY for someone? Such as send your grandmother flowers, leave a note in book saying you are beautiful for the next person who reads it, donate money to a charity of your choice, etc. Simple gestures of kindness make a big difference in someone's life. It will instantly brighten someone's mood and make them feel special. Sometimes in life, its the little things that matter the most and usually its the little things that we all overlook. Dedicate today for doing something for others. Remember the actions counts not the words!

Remember you only live once so open your heart and make some room to share love and just do life!

Sep 13, 2011

The Sunscreen Song

If my previous post about the meaning of life didn't really help you out much, then maybe The Sunscreen Song will.

P.S. Live a little, actually a lot!

Life Lesson #99

The inspiration behind this blog came to me through my own personal outlook on life. As I observed my life till date, my surroundings, the people around me, different perspectives on life, and the situations I encountered I got to thinking: What is the meaning of life? I know this is quite a heavy question to ask for which there will never be a correct answer to; however, for me it all of the sudden became important to define what the meaning of life really is. As I tried to think of the words to answer the question I posed, I could not really gather a correct set of words that would accurately portray the meaning to this question. My mind was filled with a million words as it sorted between the rights and wrongs. Words such as: reproduction, career, money, love, passion, religion, environment, health, family, success, power, education, peace, purpose, relationships, etc came to me. However, I was still at loss in answering the question. After much thought, and observation this came to my mind. The meaning of life is to create a place where you can love unconditionally at first foremost yourself then others, and actually know what it is to live. Simply put the meaning of life is to LIVE. To live and not to just exist! I know live is a very broad word to use, but it is the only word that can be personalized by you. How you choose to live your life is a reflection of who you are. This is what creates meaning and purpose to your life that essentially can only be defined by you.

(Don't let others tell you how you should live your one and only life)

Your life is an adventure to experience, a novel waiting to be written, a journey to be taken, a movie waiting to be directed, and a story to be told. How will you do these things if you haven't even started living yet? 

Remember you only live once so stop being a mechanical robot that just exists and start living the life you've always imagined! 
Just Do Life! 

Sep 8, 2011

There is nothing permanent except change

Have you ever wanted to change your major in college? Or perhaps the correct way to word this question would be, College Students have you ever considered switching your major? Possibly to something you are much more eager to gain knowledge about or to a subject that has always caught your attention. Majority of us enter college with a decided major that may range from Marketing, Biology, Psychology, Political Science, etc. However, a very few of us actually stick through with the intended major during the four years. Everyone has different reasons for choosing the major they do. It could be possibly due to parental pressure, "it's the major that will help me make the most amount of money", or simply because of your love for the field of study. However, many of us fall into the trap of "I am studying what I am because there are expectations I need to achieve, and I need to make it rich otherwise I'm a failure". Let me tell you one thing you're not a failure, not till you accept that you are and no one can tell you otherwise. College is about self growth, finding your self, your likes and dislikes, your passions, and really learning how you fit into society. It's no shame to change your major in college. You'll be much better off studying what you're passionate about, and be able to look back with no regrets! This is where the true essence of your college education lies.

Remember you only live once so follow your passions, take your college major by storm, succeed, and just do life! 

Sep 7, 2011


Have you ever wanted to speak to a random stranger? I know many of us don't think, "Oh, today I will talk to a random stranger", but still how many times a day do you sit, stand, walk, pass, etc by a complete stranger and don't utter a single word. Its very common to see this in today's "modern society" of all the ways how to NOT communicate with someone. Rather than thinking how can I be polite to someone and say hello, many of us are think how can I get out of this. We all are a representation of a book of stories, and when we pass that book by we miss the chance of getting to know some really great stories that might help us to look at life in different perspectives. You don't have to learn the full story, but a simple nod, smile, or hello will give a sense of appreciation for the people around you.

Remember you only live once so toss out a hello, see who catches it, maybe you'll get a pass back, and just do life! 

P.S. Check out our photography blog on Tumblr & Twitter for daily inspiration!

Sep 6, 2011

It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not

Have you ever wanted to try out for a sports team, intramural team, or just play with the group of people near your area who meet up to play Basketball, Ultimate Frisbee, etc? I know you have (unless you absolutely loathe sports and its not your thing). What has stopped you? Humility? Not being good enough? I don't look good playing sports? Not winning? For the majority of us its the same underlying fact: FEAR (for others its maybe the I don't have time excuse go read this post). Let me tell you one thing fear is not your friend, but is neither your enemy. It's what I like to term your "protector" its only trying to protect you because it doesn't want to see you get hurt. When you can let go of fear, and politely say, "Hey look fear I know you're only looking out for me, but you know what? Its going to be fine". Now, that is simple to say, and very difficult to do. Keep at it for a while analyzing how your emotions change when fear pops up into your mind. You'll get to a realization one day, that you can master the art of not fearing by simply being confident in who you are and who you are meant to be.

Remember you only live once so stop waiting around with an umbrella for it to rain, challenge your fears, and just do life!

Please go check out our Facebook page

Sep 5, 2011

Am I ready?

Have you ever wanted to move to a new place? You know pack up your bags, your life, and say goodbye to everything you've ever known just so you can start fresh. It takes a lot of courage, letting go of your fears, and accurate planning to actually go through with it. Maybe you've lived in a small town your whole life, and you've always imagined what it would be like to live in a big city? Perhaps its the other way around you've lived in a big city your whole life, but now you want a change of scenery and a slower pace of life. Whatever the reason is for such thoughts crossing your mind, just know one thing if you do not take the initiative to do something about it you'll just end up pondering about it your whole life. Change is a good thing even for those folk who are completely against it and will never adhere to the art of change. Follow your heart, and do what you've always thought of doing. It'll be worth it in the end!

Remember you only live once so pack up all your belongings, say see ya later to those you love (or maybe take them with you), get ready to have an adventure, and just do life!

Sep 1, 2011

A man's bestfriend

Have you ever wanted to be-friend a dog or even just pet a dog? The only reason you haven't done this, is because you have a fear of these furry little creatures. Many people develop such fears through a bad childhood experience when a dog "attacked" you. Now that's nothing to be ashamed off or feel what will everybody else think. Tell yourself and believe it that you will conquer this fear, which in reality is just an illusion of your conscious mind. Take it one step at a time. You know like start by getting yourself acquainted with dogs by just being around them: You go to the dog, don't let the dog come to you, sitting in the same room as one, petting it lightly while someone holds it, and in due time you'll gather up the courage to tackle that fear and gain a new friend. 

Remember you only live once so address your fear, prepare your fingers to feel the soft goodness of animal fur, and just do life!