Sep 7, 2011


Have you ever wanted to speak to a random stranger? I know many of us don't think, "Oh, today I will talk to a random stranger", but still how many times a day do you sit, stand, walk, pass, etc by a complete stranger and don't utter a single word. Its very common to see this in today's "modern society" of all the ways how to NOT communicate with someone. Rather than thinking how can I be polite to someone and say hello, many of us are think how can I get out of this. We all are a representation of a book of stories, and when we pass that book by we miss the chance of getting to know some really great stories that might help us to look at life in different perspectives. You don't have to learn the full story, but a simple nod, smile, or hello will give a sense of appreciation for the people around you.

Remember you only live once so toss out a hello, see who catches it, maybe you'll get a pass back, and just do life! 

P.S. Check out our photography blog on Tumblr & Twitter for daily inspiration!

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