I was on Twitter earlier today, and I read this tweet by Rev Run "Sometimes, when you're constantly wishing for something, you overlook everything you already have". I overlooked it the first, but when I went back to re-read it made so much sense. I'm guilty of doing this, overlooking all things I have in hopes of something better to come along. This is the visual image I associate with this quote. A person is in the midst of an utterly beautiful place walking as fast as they can to their destination, but they are so caught up by arriving than by taking the time to appreciate and admire all that is before them. Its about the journey not the destination.
Many things in life are associated with destinations we should arrive at: a college degree, the dream job, the perfect house, spouse, and kids, a six figure salary, etc. Once you've reached the destination, what do you remember? The journey...what it took for you to arrive. It is better to travel well than to arrive. If looked in this perspective you will look at failures as learning lessons, experiences gained even if you didn't succeed it'll still be worthwhile.